What is rosacea?
Rosacea causes redness and raised bumps on the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead.
Eyes may also be affected.
Rosacea can get worse over time if left untreated.
Adults over the age of 30 are most likely to suffer from rosacea, and females are more likely than males to develop it.
People with fair skin types are more prone to Rosacea than those with darker skin types.
Detecting rosacea may be more difficult if you have a darker skin tone.
There is still uncertainty about what exactly causes Rosacea, but identified contributing factors include:
• Abnormalities in immunity,
• Inflammatory reactions to microorganisms (imbalance in Microbiome, demodex mite),
• Skin barrier disruption,
• Blood vessel dysfunction,
• Ultra Violet light exposure,
• and Genetics.

How do I know that I may have rosacea?
Rosacea usually affects the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead, or eyes.
• A persistent redness of the nose and cheeks.
• A tendency to blush easily.
• Raised, red bumps with or without pus in it Rosacea may look like acne.
• Small, prominent blood vessels visible on the skin (called telangiectasias).
• A burning or gritty sensation in the eyes.
• Nose that is red, swollen, and rounded.
• Stinging or burning sensations in affected areas are common in rosacea.
• Skin care products may irritate the skin and aggravate symptoms, (often tried several different skincare regimes).
• Swelling may occur during or after an episode of prolonged redness or flushing and may persist for days
• The skin often appears rough and scaly because of a dry quality.
Sometimes, people’s symptoms are under control.
Other times, symptoms worsen and flare up.
There are some things that might make redness on the face worse.
Examples Include:
• Hot Beverages
• Spicy Foods
• Drinking Alcohol
• Being too Hot or Cold
• Sunlight
• Stress and Other Strong Emotions
• Exercise
• Irritation from Skincare Products
• Certain Drugs, such as Nicotine, Caffeine and Some Medications used as prescriptions(corticosteroids).
• Certain medical conditions like Gastrointestinal Disease, Components of the Metabolic Syndrome, Cancer, Autoimmune Disorders, Psychiatric Disorders, Neurologic Disorders
How do I know for sure if I have rosacea?
Most of the time, your doctor can tell if you have it by learning about your symptoms and doing an exam.
How is rosacea treated?
You may benefit from the advice of an aesthetic skincare specialist doctor.
Rosacea cannot be cured by treatment, but it can be controlled and flare-ups prevented with the right treatment.
Treatments for rosacea include medications, skincare and other methods.
Make sure you wear sunscreen every day. An effective sunscreen that prevents inflammation caused by blue light, HEVL(high energy visible light), IRR(Infrared radiation), heat, ozone, pollution, UVA, UVB and UVC.
It is possible to take medicines as gels, creams, or lotions that you apply to your skin or as pills that you swallow.
Appropriate medical grade skincare.
Your skin care program will probably require a long-term commitment from you.
Some people with rosacea can also benefit from special lasers or light therapies.
Changing your lifestyle can help control your symptoms and prevent flare-ups.
Avoid things that worsen your symptoms.
What if my symptoms are severe or don’t get better?
If your symptoms are severe or don’t get better with treatment, you will probably need to see a skin specialist (called a dermatologist).
The specialist will talk with you about other possible treatments.
What if I want to get pregnant?
If you want to get pregnant, talk with your doctor.
Some medicines for rosacea are not safe to take during pregnancy.
Your doctor will make sure that your medicine is safe to take.